








⭕️危險都get out「防溺十招」












「多一分準備 少一分損失」



The summer vacation that everyone looks forward to is around the corner! We’re sure that everyone will do some water activities together. 🏝️But don’t forget to stay safe when doing the water activities. ‼️Here we’re going to share some pithy formulas and precautions with everyone.

⭕️Remember the pithy formula of drowning “Yell, Call, Stretch, Throw, Row”

•Yell loudly to get attention of people who are around you (Yell)

•Call the police (Call)

•Use long items such as stick, clothes (Stretch)

•Throw items which can float on the water (Throw)

•Utilize large buoys such as boats, driftwood, live preservers, etc. to row. (Row)

⭕️Keep away from danger. “10 tips to prevent drowning.”

(1) The place where you do water activity should be legal. There should be lifesaving equipments and lifeguard.

(2) Avoid doing dangerous actions, and don’t dive.

(3) The situation of a lake and a river can vary greatly. Take more care of yourself when doing water activity there.

(4) Don’t be alone. Keep en eye on the location and condition of your companions anytime.

(5) Warm up before get into the water. Don’t wear jeans.

(6) Don’t do jokes in the water.

(7) Don’t do water activities or swim when you are tired or not doing good.

(😎 Don’t be in the water for a long time. Be aware of hypothermia.

(9) Pay attention to the weather forecast. Don’t do any water activity when the weather is bad.

(10) improve your swimming and floating skills. If you unfortunately fail into the water, Be calm and relax.

We hope today’s post is helpful!

“One more preparation, one less loss.” Let’s reduce accidents and protect our friends.










